January 25, 2025 – Cooperator Workshop

The Common Good: A Catholic Perspective
Understanding Our Role in Building a Just Society

Join us for an engaging presentation on how individuals can foster meaningful change in their communities and society at large. Grounded in Catholic social teachings such as Gaudium et Spes and Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, this talk will explore the moral responsibility to participate in public life and work for the common good. John will share practical examples of how local initiatives and public involvement can lead to transformative societal change. Attendees will leave inspired with ideas for small but impactful actions to promote justice and solidarity in their own communities..

After the talk, enjoy a pizza lunch and the opportunity to connect with other cooperators and friends. A $10 contribution is requested to cover expenses, with an optional donation to support the apostolates of Westbrook Education Fund.

This workshop aims to provide a setting for cooperators and friends to deepen their understanding of Catholic doctrine, offering serious and focused instruction. Unlike a retreat or recollection, it is an opportunity to engage with other men who strive to live their faith well in everyday life. The goal is to build intellectual confidence in understanding and defending the faith, with sessions tailored to provide comprehensive instruction in theology and philosophy.

Born in Ireland, John Higgins graduated as an architect in Dublin and later earned a Master’s degree from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, in 1979. He moved to Edmonton, where he met and married Kathleen in 1981. Now living in Delta, BC, they raised four daughters and three sons and are proud grandparents to ten grandchildren. John will speak about the adventure of making change happen at the personal and societal level, through local initiatives and public involvement. The workshop will invite discussion about what each person could do in a small way as a “start-up” for change.

John and Kathleen Higgins’ innovative housing project in Delta, BC, exemplifies the principles John will discuss in his presentation. By constructing four homes on a single lot, they addressed housing affordability and fostered intergenerational living. This initiative has garnered international attention, highlighting its potential as a sustainable solution to housing challenges.

Some of the coverage: Vancouver Sun | Daily Hive | CTV

10:15amConfession Available
11:30am“The Common Good: A Catholic Perspective”
Join us for an engaging presentation on how individuals can foster meaningful change in their communities and society at large. Grounded in Catholic social teachings such as Gaudium et Spes and Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, this talk will explore the moral responsibility to participate in public life and work for the common good. John will share practical examples of how local initiatives and public involvement can lead to transformative societal change. Attendees will leave inspired with ideas for small but impactful actions to promote justice and solidarity in their own communities.
12:45pmPizza & Social

Glenwood, 4050 Osler Street, Vancouver (Google Map)

RSVP Today

Note: Please RSVP by midnight on Friday, January 24th so we can plan accordingly.

Thank you! Registration for this event is now closed.

October 5, 2024 – Cooperator Workshop

Dying in Canada
A Workshop for Cooperators and Friends

Join us for an important workshop hosted by the Westbrook Education Fund, featuring a talk on “Dying in Canada” by Brent Boyd.

This presentation offers valuable insights into population trends, life expectancy, causes of death in Canada, and the importance of planning for the end of life. It covers illness trajectories, goals of care, treatment options, and key considerations for end-of-life planning.

The session also introduces resources for further exploration, including the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Horizons of Hope toolkit on palliative care. Additionally, it addresses the growing role of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in Canada, distinguishing between euthanasia and assisted suicide, and clarifies the Catholic Church’s stance as outlined in the Vatican Letter Samaritanus Bonus.

After the talk, enjoy a pizza lunch and the opportunity to connect with other cooperators and friends. A $10 contribution is requested to cover expenses, with an optional donation to support the apostolates of Westbrook Education Fund.

This workshop aims to provide a setting for cooperators and friends to deepen their understanding of Catholic doctrine, offering serious and focused instruction. Unlike a retreat or recollection, it is an opportunity to engage with other men who strive to live their faith well in everyday life. The goal is to build intellectual confidence in understanding and defending the faith, with sessions tailored to provide comprehensive instruction in theology and philosophy.

Brent is a retired business consultant living in Cobble Hill on Vancouver Island with his wife, Elizabeth. A father of five and grandfather of eight, he first encountered the realities of palliative care over twenty years ago when his first wife was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Later, he cared for his mother and stepfather in their final years. These deeply personal experiences have driven Brent to raise awareness and help others prepare for this challenging stage of life.

10:15amConfession Available
11:30am“Dying in Canada”
This presentation offers valuable insights into population trends, life expectancy, causes of death in Canada, and the importance of planning for the end of life. It covers illness trajectories, goals of care, treatment options, and key considerations for end-of-life planning. The session also introduces resources for further exploration, including the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Horizons of Hope toolkit on palliative care. Additionally, it addresses the growing role of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in Canada, distinguishing between euthanasia and assisted suicide, and clarifies the Catholic Church’s stance as outlined in the Vatican Letter Samaritanus Bonus.
12:45pmPizza & Social

Glenwood, 4050 Osler Street, Vancouver (Google Map)

Please Register Below

Note: Please RSVP by midnight on Thursday, October 3rd so that we can plan accordingly.

Workshop Recap: Understanding the Development of Doctrine

On Saturday, August 3rd, sixteen attendees gathered at Glenwood for an insightful workshop hosted by Westbrook Education Fund. The organizers were very pleased with the attendance, especially considering it was a hot summer day on a long weekend. The event began with confessions at 10:15 am and Mass at 10:45 am, with several participants arriving early to benefit from these sacraments. The highlight of the event was a remote presentation by Leslie Tomory on the Development of Doctrine at 11:30 am.

Leslie’s talk was not only informative but also deeply reassuring. Attendees agreed that understanding how our grasp of revelation deepens over time helped them appreciate why we should maintain peace and trust even during uncertain times. This perspective provided a sense of intellectual confidence and spiritual calm, reinforcing the compatibility between faith and human knowledge.

Following the presentation, participants enjoyed a lively discussion over a pizza lunch, creating an opportunity to connect with other cooperators and friends. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with one attendee suggesting the inclusion of a standup break during future intensive presentations. There was a strong desire for more events like this, and plans are underway to hold similar workshops every two months, with the next one slated for October.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped organize and promote the event, as well as to the generous donors who provided financial contributions to Westbrook Education Fund. A photo montage of the event appears as the banner image to this newsletter.

August 3, 2024 – Co-operator Workshop

Understanding Development of Doctrine
A Workshop for Cooperators and Friends

Join us for an enlightening workshop hosted by the Westbrook Education Fund, featuring a talk on the Development of Doctrine by Leslie Tomory. This event will be held at Glenwood on Saturday, August 3rd. The talk, presented by Leslie remotely, will begin promptly at 11:30 am in the classroom downstairs. For those who would like to join us, Mass will be celebrated in Glenwood’s oratory at 10:45 am. The priest will be available for confessions starting at 10:15 am.

After the talk, enjoy a pizza lunch and the opportunity to connect with other cooperators and friends. A $10 contribution is requested to cover expenses, with an optional donation to support the apostolates of Westbrook Education Fund.

This workshop aims to provide a setting for cooperators and friends to deepen their understanding of Catholic doctrine, offering serious and focused instruction. Unlike a retreat or recollection, it is an opportunity to engage with other men who strive to live their faith well in everyday life. The goal is to build intellectual confidence in understanding and defending the faith, with sessions tailored to provide comprehensive instruction in theology and philosophy.

Leslie Tomory studied aerospace engineering before completing a PhD in the history of technology. He has written two books on the subject, and is now a consultant in the nonprofit sector.

10:15amConfession Available
11:30am“Development of Doctrine” by Leslie Tomory
12:45pmPizza & Social

Glenwood, 4050 Osler Street, Vancouver (Google Map)

Please Register Below

Note: Please RSVP by midnight on Thursday, August 1st so that we can plan accordingly.

2024 Guy’s Pub Night

9th Annual Fundraising Dinner
Westbrook Education Fund

Date: Sunday, April 7th, 2024
Time: 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Tickets: $110* (Tax receipt for $50)
* Dinner and three drinks are included in the price
Location: Dublin Crossing Irish Pub
466 SW Marine Drive, Vancouver
Underground parking is available

Thank you for your support!